May 4, 2008
These interviews took place at a bake sale in the Barrio Viejo.
2. What are you doing downtown: Having a bake sale to save fun.
3. Do you live in Tucson? Yes, native/Yes, native/Yes, from Pinetop
4. Describe downtown in 3 words or less: progressive, enlightened, charismatic/ slow, small/ hopeful, nervous, money
5. If downtown was a burrito, what would be in it? roasted vegetables (asparagus, zucchini, onions, garlic), black beans, parmesan cheese, grilled flour tortilla/ black beans, rice, lettuce, avocado/ California burrito - avocado, pico de gallo, pinto beans, flour tortilla, french fries, carne asada
6. Have any significant events in your life occurred in downtown Tucson? I fell in love/ One time I got really high and rode from Sabino Canyon to downtown/ I work, drink, and eat downtown
2. What are you doing downtown: I live downtown and I'm coming to the bake sale.
3. Do you live in Tucson? Yes, native.
4. Describe downtown in 3 words or less: bike, small, community.
5. If downtown was a burrito, what would be in it? definitely beans - black and pinto, tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and cheddar cheese.
6. Have any significant events in your life occurred in downtown Tucson? all the time.
2. What are you doing downtown: I live here
3. Do you live in Tucson? Yes. From Prescott.
4. Describe downtown in 3 words or less: community, art, fun.
5. If downtown was a burrito, what would be in it? bikes, adobe, tequila, friends.
6. Have any significant events in your life occurred in downtown Tucson? Not yet.
2. What are you doing downtown: I live here.
3. Do you live in Tucson? Yes. From Philadelphia.
4. Describe downtown in 3 words or less: old, pretty, adobe.
5. If downtown was a burrito, what would be in it? tepary beans and Cafe Poca Cosa.
6. Have any significant events in your life occurred in downtown Tucson? Yes, I decided to live in Arizona because of living downtown.
2. What are you doing downtown: shooting video for a documentary about the neighborhood - past and present, and I came for the bake sale.
3. Do you live in Tucson? Yes, lived here 13-14 years and in Barrio Viejo for 7-8 years. From Waukegan, Illinois.
4. Describe downtown in 3 words or less: close to everything.
5. If downtown was a burrito, what would be in it? Instead of a tortilla it would be wrapped in corrugated steel. Instead of beef it would have railroad ties and the strange bamboo that seems to be growing everywhere. Guitar picks. Instead of cheese, paint - red, green, blue.
6. Have any significant events in your life occurred in downtown Tucson? I've met some really fantastic people/ I did a documentary with a friend who lived in Armory Park (met him while working at Access Tucson).
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